26 February 2014

Home of a bazillion manatee :)

I have a feeling Downton Abbey is going to be good!! (Not sure how the men feel about it ;)).
From Daytona Beach to Titusville is only about 40 miles, so the Captain decided we could sleep in today.  Up around 7:30.... The Laydens anyway.  Joe gets up early most every morning and has the coffee hot and ready by the time I stumble into the galley. THANKS JOE!!! We had done some grocery shopping in Jacksonville and there were a couple of meat items that needed to be cooked before they went bad.  SO.....we had pork chops and eggs for breakfast. Yum. Also fried up the hamburger, which is now simmering as spaghetti sauce as I type this. 
The guys checked for more fresh water leaks from the front fresh water fill.  You see, we have a front bilge (under Joe's bed) that every couple of days has to be turned on.  It's not automatic.  Anyway, every couple of days we get enough fresh water out of it to investigate further.  But, there was no leaking while filling the tanks this morning.  Now that that's been ruled out, they can try the next thing.
We finally got underway at 0845.  The skys were cloudy but the seas were very calm.  Below is the first manatee sighting for this leg of the trip. Hard to see. Speaking of hard to see, let me apologize for the quality of the pictures posted yesterday. Somehow, I changed a setting on my iphone and all the pictures I took yesterday were sepia. Ugh.
 This guy was airing out his wings. You'd be surprised how often you see birds sitting this way.  We think this is a merganser duck.  They are entertaining creatures.  We'll be traveling along and up they pop from underneath the water.  They aren't very social and fly off when we get close.

 Here are a bunch of them.  The reason I took the picture was for the sign, which warns boaters of the manatee.  The guys saw lots of them today.
 This is a picture taken through the front site of my binculars. I got it lined up and then Tim pressed the button on my iphone.  It's the launch pad for the space shuttle.  Not sure how much it gets used anymore.  Thanks, Mr. President.....
 Just a pretty shot on a very short, very narrow cut.  Joe always seems to be driving when we come across these areas. Hmmm.....
 A railroad bridge just short of Titusville.  It's only closed when in use and that's not very often.
 When we arrived at the Titusville Municipal Marina, the Captain expertly backed us into our slip, in spite of the strong, portside wind.  One marina employee and 2 other boaters were there to assist.  Since we were tied up on the port side, which as you may recall is Joe's side, Joe got busy washing down the boat.  Tim got busy sanding off the decal for the last hailing port that was on the boat. He was successful and then installed the new decal which says PERRY, KS.  It was raining most of the time they were working on the boat, so I don't have a picture, but will get one soon.
Below are a couple of manatee that are drinking from the dripping hose.  Ugly things, but really cool to watch.
OK, the guys may be getting hungry, so I need to get some noodles boiled and garlic bread made.  I'm hoping we get to watch some more Downton Abbey tonight!!
Until tomorrow......

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