14 February 2014


26 January 2014, Sunday
Yesterdays journey was 67 miles, today it would only be 47 miles to the town of "Thunderbolt" which is a suburb of Savannah, Georgia, Hooray, another state.  This day was again very cold and we ran the generator all day keeping the heaters going.  I also baked two dozen chocolate chip cookies while under way.  We had exhausted our supply of duplex cookies and were in a near panic. The Morningstar Marina at Bahia Bleu, was another place we had stopped on the way north.

 The dock master put us right on the fuel dock which was very handy.  About a hour after we got there, "Matilda" the sailboat was passing by and I waved, they pulled in behind us and decided to stay here also.  The crew of Matilda was two gentlemen from the Massachusetts area and had been friends for a long time.  We met them at Tubby's Tank House at dinner time and continued our conversation.  The boat owner had no difficulties in the previous rough water, but his friend was not so sure that he would do it again.
Beth's Plate at Tubby's

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