We had to wait to depart because Marine
Max did not open till after 8:00 and we needed a pump out and a lot of
fuel. Gemini Dream pulled out about 30
minutes ahead of us and they were going to try to make it to Ditto Landing
Marina (130 miles). We said goodbye and
hoped to see them later in the week. We left
at 7:30 and went a ½ mile down river to the Marine Max Fuel Dock so we would be
ready when they showed up for work.
There was no one there but the pump out machine was in working order so
we hurried and pumped out. As I was
finishing that task, a 50’ houseboat was making its way toward the dock which
had no more room. The Captain asked if
he could tie up alongside of us as he had one dead engine and thought the other
one might quit at any moment. We made
room for them just as the Marine Max Fuel Man showed up and filled us up with
another 130 gallons. We departed right
at 8:00 with 85 miles to go to reach our planned destination. Only one lock to
go through today. We were aided by a 1 ½
mph current that helped us make about 10mph. We encountered a couple of odd boats docked at residences along the river, Joe wants to buy one and live on it, but I would not stop.
When we got to the lock we had a hour or so wait. Once through we pushed on to Goose Bay Colony
Marina arriving just at sunset. Joe
caught this amazing sun ray picture right before we pulled into the creek that
led to the marina.
This marina was one that we had stopped at
several days previously. We utilized the
facilities (laundry and showers) and turned in.
Total miles today: 85 miles.
so we read out of date order, but still enjoyed!