14 October 2012

Starting Part III

OK, so we have been at sea for 6 days now and I am finally capable of posting some great stuff, not the sealant.  We packed up the car on Monday morning, 8 October, and departed to pick up Joe and Rene.  Fortunately, they did not have much stuff because it would not have fit.

Enroute to the Marina, we had to stop once again in Metropolis, Illinois, home of Superman.  Well, we could not stop Rene and Beth from making us take their pictures. 
Arrived at Green Turtle Bay Marina Monday afternoon, where JULI-IV has been parked for the last 4 months.  We moved her to the store dock, in the only available slip in the marina; it was full of Loopers chilling out. (really chilling out, it frosted the next two mornings).  We dined at the Commonwealth Yacht Club Restaurant (Remember, this is a "Dry" County and you must bring in your own beverages, that they then will sell to you. To conserve funds the ladies only had one bottle
of champagne) this evening.

We were waited on by Brittany.  Just earlier in the day, a member of our group had stated that he was dumber than a box of rocks, so we introduced him to Brittany,

She proceeded to tell us that she had been in two previous relationships with persons that were clearly at least the equal to or more dumber than our box of rocks.  I shall not reveal the details of the ensuing conversation.


Joe and I picked up a rental car and drove to Iuka, Mississippi (186 miles one way) and dropped off the mountaineer for later pick up. (this is where we will leave the boat for the next leg at the completion of this one).  A beautiful drive, however it consumed 8 hours of boating time. Fortunately, Rene and Beth made productive use of the time and reprovisioned and washed the boat,

 and were waiting on the bridge with champagne in hand when we got back. 

We discovered that we had a broken battery cable clamp on one of the inverter batteries and someone had to climb into the engine room to repair it.

We dined at world famous "Patties 1880's Settlement" that evening.  Their specialty is the grilled 2" thick pork chop.  It was adequate and there were three doggie bags that went back to the boat.


We departed Green Turtle Bay at 0630 on Wednesday morning, headed to Pebble Isle Marina (71 miles away)  It was cold, windows were shut.  In accordance with our policy that all crew members function as helmsperson for a one hour shift rotation, we indoctrinated Rene into Helmsperson duties.  By the end of her second shift, she was certified to be competent enough to steer in the presence of anyone other than Joe.  The day was otherwise uneventful and we arrived to Pebble Isle Marina around 1630 hours.  It was an excellent facility with an amazingly delicious seafood sampler plate.


Once again departed at 0630 for Clifton City Marina. (63 miles away) Another cold and sprinkly day.
First eagle sighting of the trip. Suddenly, from around the bend in the river, a monstrous ship appeared.  It was the "Delta Mariner".

 It was only moving at 12 mph, but it was so big (380 feet) it looked like it was going to kill us.  It is a ship used to transport space vehicles from Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama, to Cape Canaveral, Florida). It had earlier this year missed the channel bridge span on the Tennessee River and tore out an entire section of the highway bridge.

 Enroute, the "Black Pearl" (a 42 foot power catamaran) came running up our backside and asked to do a slow pass.  (This is where we slow down to 5 mph and they slowly pass so as to not kill us with their wake.)  Arrived at Clifton City Marina around 1600 and settled in.  Another great facility.  There were four Looping Boats and crews there.  An impromptu gathering was held at the outside marina television set to watch the Vice-Presidential debates.  Results from the group were mixed.  Also present was the "Black Pearl" and crew.  They were a "hired" delivery crew, delivering the boat to the owner in Sarasota, Florida.


Departed at 0645, headed for Aqua Yacht Harbour, Iuka, Mississippi. (59 miles)  It rained most of the day.  Many more eagle sightings.  Went through the Pickwick Lock (55 foot lift) with a boat named the "Loopy Kiwi".

 Turned out that they were actually from New Zealand and were here in the USA specifically to do the Loop.  He kept talking on the radio to "Jade" another boat that was looping.  He and his boat were from Brazil.  We arrived at Aqua Yacht around 1630, refueled, and moved to out assigned spot.
There, we had barely tied up when "Phil", Captain of the "Loopy Kiwi" showed up and delighted us with his special accent.  Steve, another New Zealander came down the dock and also visited for a while.  This was the marina that we had prepositioned the car at, so Beth, Rene and I departed for the nearest Walmart to get some stuff.  Apparently, Friday night in Savannah, Tennessee, is a great social night.  Most of the people from 100 miles around were in the store, clogging the aisles and just visiting.  We safely returned to the marina with our stuff.


Started out once again at 0630 for Bay Hill Marina. (70 Miles)  This was the best weather day so far.  Sunny, got to 81 degrees, and not much wind.  We went through two locks today, Wilson Lock (93 foot lift) and Joe Wheeler Lock (48 foot lift).  At the second lock we finally determined the best method and life was simple.  We were undecided about to stay the night, but after I called to see if Bay Hill had space available, it was a done deal.  "Lisa" the Harbourmaster said there was a great discount, plus, it was "Karaoke Night".  Joe immediately started practicing his finest Billy Joel tunes (Beth made him quit).  As we pulled into the marina, we noticed this boat lying at the dock.

It was in pretty sad condition.  Lisa, the Harbourmaster, met us at our assigned slip and kept a running dialogue going for 30 minutes with none of the rest of us getting to say anything.  She told us that the sad looking boat that we had noticed was once owned by both Charleton Heston and the Late President Gerald Ford.  Being doubting thomases, we looked it up on the internet (where everything can be proven true)  and it really was true.  This marina was located right on the river and used massive barges as breakwaters and entertainment center.  The Karaoke Night was held on the top of one of the barges.  Now, we were in northern Alabama, on a Saturday night.  It was special.  One of our friends from Lake Perry made a special guest appearance as singer.  See if you recognize her.


Left Bay Hill around 0615, headed for Goose Pond Colony Marina. (91 miles)  Passed the Tennessee Valley Authority Nuclear Power Plant.

We locked through the Guntersville Lock (40 foot lift) with another Looper Boat named the "Gemini Dreamer II".  We needed to do about two hours at 17 mph to get to the marina before dark.  Arrived about 1745 and threaded our way though the 1/2 mile lock 3 1/2 foot deep channel, to the dock.  Once secured, several other loopers greeted us.  One of which was the Loop famous Tom Conrad, otherwise known as the "weather muse" for the Gulf of Mexico Crossing weather advice.  The boat "Gemini Dreamer" joined us and we agreed to cruise together on Monday to Chattanooga.


  1. Sounds awesome! You all are livin' the life!!

  2. Sounds like a great time! Keep posting! M&D

  3. Great to hear from you. Living vicariously through you guys. Keep the blogs coming. Nancy Goss

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