The seas were calm enough for us to depart Key West on Friday morning. A&B Marina only sells diesel fuel so we headed over the the City Marina to take on 100 gallons of gasoline and pump out. While we were there we 'overheard' a crew on a sailboat talking about their new purchase. Their sailboat had been on an anchor ball for the previous 3 years and they were getting if ready to take it to Tampa. From Key West to Marathon is about 55 miles. We went on the outside of the islands and dealt with 1'-2' seas. All in all, it was a nice journey. In this part of the trip we deal with crab pots quite a bit, so a watchful eye is always required.
Before we left Key West we went back to BO's restaurant so Joe and I could try the world's best hamburger. It was pretty good, I must say. Below, Tim is taking in the local scenery while waiting for his burger.
Some more beautiful flowering bushes.
On Thursday night we went back to Mallory Square. There was a Carnival Cruise ship preparing to depart just as we arrived. While sitting on the sea wall, watching the sites, this gravely voiced gentleman asked the 3 of us to please move down about 3' so he could set up his 'area'. We obliged and continued watching the cruise ship pull in their ropes. In a few minutes, Mr. Gravely-voice begins to holler at the people wandering around in an effort to gather an audience. Once the cruise ship was away, we turned our attention to this gentleman. Turns out he is a sword swallower. Has been for 45 years, 35 of which he has spent in this very spot. He celebrated his 63 birthday last December. He spent about 10 minutes getting his audience ready and then about 15 seconds swallowing the sword. Here are before and during pictures of his feat.
No wonder his voice is so rough. What a way to make a living. We decided he probably has a day job.....
There is a courtyard full of bronze busts, we ran across on our way to dinner. Key West Memorial Sculpture Garden. It contains 36 busts of Key West's most influential people. http://www.keywestsculpturegarden.org/bust.htm
We ate dinner at Red Fish Blue Fish restaurant. We ate there last year when John and Sammi Moors were with us. I ordered the same shrimp basil salad. It was yummy!
This is the cruise ship that was pulling away when we first arrived at Mallory Square. The 4 days we were in Key West, I believe we saw 3 cruise ships.
One of the many bridges that span the different keys. Pretty sure this is on our way from the outside to the inside.
The waters are so clear down here that it is possible to see the bottom quite often. And the colors! Amazing.
From Key West to just south of Miami (where we are today/Sunday) there were several shallow and narrow passages. As long as you stay in the marked channel, you're OK. Here you can see sand just to the left of the red marker.
We anchored just off Key Largo Saturday night and the guys finally had time to get our anchor situation worked out. Tim bought a plow anchor and we installed it before we left Maryland, earlier this year. The couple of times that we tried to deploy it, we never could get it to catch. So, at those times, we pulled out the old anchor to use. I think everything is working as it should be now. At least it worked today. :)
One of the passageways from Card Sound into Biscayne Bay.
Ran across this interesting place earlier today. Upon further inspection it appeared to be a restaurant with a little hotel next door, complete with docks right up to your hotel room door.
Once we arrived at our current anchorage (just south of Miami/Biscayne Bay) the guys decided to get the dinghy out and exercise the motor. It has been awhile and the fuel in the motor is over a year old. Tim got it going and drove it around the boat and up to inspect the anchor. We're hoping that we never need it for anything other than going to shore.
Joe is our designated cook/grill master. He grilled our hotdogs today for lunch and our steak for dinner.
Tim getting in the water for the first time in 2014. We are anchored in about 7'-8' of crystal clear water. Both of the guys snorkeled for awhile today.
Joe getting his feet wet. He found an area fairly close to the boat that contained some pretty interesting vegetation (tree looking plants and lots of sponges).
This boat was anchored by us near Key Largo Saturday night. We first ran into them at the gas dock, Friday morning when we left Marathon. They were fueling and there was no other room on the dock, so we idled in place for about 10-15 minutes waiting for them to finish. Once they departed we pulled in and began to fuel. The gas attendant, a really pleasant lady who we remembered from last year, explained that the reason it took them so long was because they were from Germany and their credit cards weren't working. We've seen this boat every day since.
Another boat that was anchored near us Friday night. It's a really nice trawler, but we could never figure out who made it.
We're looking forward to our friend, Jim, joining us tomorrow evening. It's funny. We all knew he was flying in on the 14th, but until an hour ago we thought that was Tuesday. Like Tim said when he called Jim earlier, it's a good thing we're ahead of schedule. We're about 50 miles from Ft Lauderdale, where Jim is flying into, so we'll be there waiting for him when he arrives. Our plan is to head to the Bahamas as soon as good weather allows. The only thing we have to do is take on a few more provisions and possibly deal with one bent blade on the starboard propeller. Oh, and the starboard engine is using antifreeze, so there's that..... Well, that's all for now. We'll see you all tomorrow.
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