06 April 2014


Some time has passed since I last posted.  We left Ft Myers about 3 weeks ago, having left the reduction gear from the starboard engine with a repairman in Palmetto.  It was repaired a couple of days after we returned and Tim and Joe successfully reinstalled it.  Before we left last time we went out to dinner one last time with Dave and Patt.  This was our view from the restaurant.
 I had a sore throat when we got back on Wednesday and it turned into a full blown head/chest cold by Friday, and put me in bed.  The original plan was to head out on Saturday, but Tim delayed our departure, giving me a chance to get better. Thank you, dear.  Thanks to brother Dave, we had his car and the guys did all the shopping on Friday, so we were able to get underway this morning.  This was our view as we departed Marinatown.  Our boat was in a slip down in front of the big condos on the left. 
 Look who came to visit!! Yep.  Jeremiah says 'My Jessie'.  It's adorable!!  Unfortunately, she came 2 days after we left :( She and her little buddy were 'hanging out' on Miah's farm with Grandpa's tractor and disc.  They are such good buddies!
 Another view of the restaurants at Marinatown.
The distance from the marina to the Gulf is 15 miles, all on the Caloosahatchee river.  Right before we arrived at the gulf, there was a narrow passage FULL of boats.  Guess it IS the weekend.  The river was calm and nothing compared to the Gulf.  It was pretty rough for the 4+ hours we were out there.  Tim decided to head back to the ICW from Naples to Marco Island.  The waters calmed immediately, and the depths were shallow.  We either passed or were overtaken by 168 boats (they made me say it). 
 Back on the ICW and our first eagle of this leg.  We spotted 2 turtles out in the Gulf, but they are so elusive it is impossible to get a photo of them.
SO many big, fancy homes near Naples.  These people and their money.  Beautiful green water most of the day.
 Even though the seas are supposed to be rough tomorrow, the Captain says we're going to continue on. The destination is Key West. If it's too rough, we'll head to Marathon, also in the keys, but closer to land. We depart at first light.  See you tomorrow!!

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