25 January 2014

A Losing Toss of The Dice!

3 January 2014

Well, we left Maggie Mae at Ocean Marine Marina in Portsmouth, Virginia on the 19th of December, with the intention to return on or about 13 January to resume the journey.  Weather conditions were predicted to be above 32 degrees between 19 December and our return on 13 January.  I lost my bet to not winterize the boat and 13-14 degree nights were predicted for the Portsmouth area on 6-8 January.  So, I bought a high dollar airline ticket to fly back to Portsmouth and winterize the critical systems on the boat prior to freezing weather getting there.  Arrived on the afternoon of 3 January with two bags of parts and spent the next day and a half winterizing and modernizing the boat.  Returned home on the 5th.  It was a trip well worth the time as the temperatures really did go to 14 degrees for a lengthy period of time.

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