09 March 2013

Spring Break - Panama City Beach

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Departed for the Kansas City Airport (transportation provided by Jeremy) to fly back to Panama City, Florida to resume journey, encountered two people in the airport and on our flight that Beth and I used to work with in the Kansas National Guard, Trish and Joe Williams. They were on their way to Houston for some medical issues, good luck to them.  Three take offs and three landings later we were in Panama City, caught a cab to the boat, the cab driver was disappointed that we did not want to go to a "Gentlemens Club" as he gets paid from the owners to boost business but Beth said she was too tired.  He also told us of the Spring Break Girls in Bikinis oblivious to the 35 degree weather.  (methinks they were under some influence)  All quiet at the marina so we retired for the evening.  No Spring Break Photos, sorry.

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