20 January 2013

One Week From Today.....

.....we will be back in MS preparing the boat for the next 'leg' of the river trip.  It should be fun....multiple locks on the Ten-Tom Waterway.... Gulf of Mexico crossing and, ultimately, the warm weather of FL!!  800+ miles in total! This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago just east of our house.  It has absolutely nothing to do with the river trip, other than it represents God's presence in our daily lives.  We are greatful for this as we continue our travels.

For those of you that don't already know, Tim had open heart surgery the day before Thanksgiving.  He is healing well and, I would say, is close to 100%.  Pictured below are 3 of the 4 rehabilitation specialists he had the pleasure of working with 3 days a week. From left to right, meet Sam, Linda and Ben.  Chris, not shown, also helped to get him back into shape.  

The guys have been busy packing and shipping boxes to MS, as we will be flying this time and luggage space is limited.  Joe bought some new technology (a Netbook) to take along so he can stay in touch with everyone a little easier.  The Captain gave us new required reading material and the remainder of our newest charts are coming this week.  We're all excited about the upcoming trip and are hoping to have many new and exciting adventures and pictures to share with you all.  Keep us all in your prayers!  See you back here soon :)
P.S. I asked the Captain if I might help with blogging duties, as he really is awfully busy once we're underway.  Maybe we'll get Joe to help too.  Well....maybe :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip ahead! Gods speed & Blessings! M&D
